Taking into account how important it is for a pregnant woman to feel secure and prepared for the things that follow, a pregnancy week by week calendar is a must-have for every woman who wants to face her pregnancy with dignity, considering the major changes that are likely to occur with the body and the mind of the future mother.
Knowing pregnancy week by week is a great method for a pregnant woman to keep her peace of mind, to take things rationally and not to freak out every time she feels ill. The first stage includes the first 12 weeks and it can be very traumatizing, if the woman doesn’t know what to expect. Some of the most common physical disorders include headaches, constipation, morning sickness, nausea or back pain.
As far as mental changes are concerned, the woman will experience faintness, mood swings or fatigue. Even if the woman has never been confronted with these disorders, they are perfectly normal and must be treated as such, considering what major adjustments is the body carrying out for the baby. These are all normal symptoms, and pregnant women must try and find their balance and inner forces in order to overcome these physical and emotional challenges.
The second trimester is all about the mother-child connection that starts to take place, since the baby starts giving his first signs. These moments are extremely valuable and no mother should ever forget the first time her baby communicated with her. During the second trimester, women grow accustomed with the physical and mental changes occurring to their body.
The third and last semester is known for severe back pains, considering that the fetus is now bigger and weights more, shortness of breath or changes in gait. The end of this trimester is marked by the delivery and the reunion between mother and child. It is very important for every future mother to acquire a pregnancy week by week calendar, in order to be prepared for all the changes that are to come.